Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::GSG - Grant Street Group CPAN dists


    version 0.0.3


    Your dist.ini can be as short as this:

        name = Foo-Bar-GSG

    Which is equivalent to all of this:

    Some of which comes from Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::GSG.

        name = Foo-Bar-GSG
        author = Grant Street Group <>
        license = Artistic_2_0
        copyright_holder = Grant Street Group
        copyright_year = # detected from git
        -bundle = @Basic
        -remove = MetaYAML
        -remove = UploadToCPAN
        # The defaults for author and license come from
        finder = :InstallModules
        replacer = replace_with_comment
        post_code_replacer = replace_with_nothing
        config_plugin = [ @Default, Contributors ]
        tag_regexp = ^v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$
        first_version = 0.0.1
        [GitHub::UploadRelease] # plus magic to work without releasing elsewhere


    This PluginBundle is here to make it easy for folks at GSG to release
    public distributions of modules as well as trying to make it easy for
    other folks to contribute.

    The share_dir for this module includes GSG standard files to include
    with open source modules. Things like a standard Makefile, a
    contributing guide, and a MANIFEST.SKIP that should work with this
    Plugin. See the "update" Makefile target for details.

    The expected workflow for a module using this code is that after
    following the initial setup decribed below, you would manage changes
    via standard GitHub flow pull requests and issues. When ready for a
    release, you would first make update to update any included documents,
    commit those, and then run carton exec dzil release. You can set a
    specific release version with the V environment variable, as described
    in the Git::NextVersion Plugin documentation.

Setting up a new dist

 Create your dist.ini

    As above, you need the name and [@Author::GSG] bundle, plus any other
    changes you need.

    You can override Pod::Weaver's finder by setting pod_finder.

 Add Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::GSG to your cpanfile

        on 'develop' => sub {
            requires 'Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::GSG',

    Doing this in the develop phase will cause the default Makefile not to
    install it, which means folks contributing to a module won't need to
    install all of the Dist::Zilla dependencies just to submit some
    patches, but will be able to run most tests.

 Create a Makefile

    It is recommended to keep a copy of the Makefile from this PluginBundle
    in your app and update it as necessary, which the target in the
    included Makefile will do automatically.

    An initial Makefile you could use to copy one out of this PluginBundle
    might look like this:

        SHARE_DIR   := $(shell \
            carton exec perl -Ilib -MFile::ShareDir=dist_dir -e \
                'print eval { dist_dir("Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-GSG") } || "share"' )
        include $(SHARE_DIR)/Makefile
        # Copy the SHARE_DIR Makefile over this one:
        # Making it .PHONY will force it to copy even if this one is newer.
        .PHONY: Makefile
        Makefile: $(SHARE_DIR)/Makefile
            cp $< $@

    Using this example Makefile does require you run carton install after
    adding the on 'develop' dependency to your cpanfile as described above.

    If you want to override the Makefile included with this Plugin but
    still want to use some of the targets in it, you could replace the
    Makefile target in this example with your own targets, and document
    running the initial carton install manually.

    The Makefile that comes in this PluginBundle's share_dir has a many
    helpers to make development on a module supported by it easier.

    Some of the targets that are included in the Makefile are:


      Makes your your local cpanfile.snapshot is up-to-date and if not,
      will run Carton before running prove -lfr t.


      This target runs your tests under the Devel::Cover cover utility.
      However, Devel::Cover is not normally a dependency, so you will need
      to add it to the cpanfile temporarily for this target to work.


      Copies the Makefile included in this PluginBundle's share_dir into
      your distribution.


      Generates and copies some additional files from this
      PluginBundle's share_dir into the repo so that the shared documents
      provided here will be kept up-to-date.

	This is generated from the post Pod::Weaver documentation of the
	main module in the dist. Requires installing the develop cpanfile
	dependencies to work.


	The files in this variable are copied from this PluginBundle's

	Currently includes and MANIFEST.SKIP.


      Attempts to locate the correct cpanfile.snapshot and automatically
      runs carton install $(CARTON_INSTALL_FLAGS) if it is out of date.

      The CARTON_INSTALL_FLAGS are by default --without develop in order to
      avoid unnecessarily installing the heavy Dist::Zilla dependency


    Grant Street Group <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Grant Street Group.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)


    Andrew Fresh <>