NAME POE::Component::SpreadClient - Handle Spread communications in POE VERSION This document describes v1.002 of POE::Component::SpreadClient - released February 16, 2011 as part of POE-Component-SpreadClient. SYNOPSIS POE::Component::SpreadClient->spawn( 'spread' ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => \&_start, _sp_message => \&do_something, _sp_admin => \&do_something, _sp_connect => \&do_something, _sp_disconnect => \&do_something, _sp_error => \&do_something, } ); sub _start { $poe_kernel->alias_set('displayer'); $poe_kernel->post( spread => connect => 'localhost', $$ ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => subscribe => 'chatroom' ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'A/S/L?' ); } DESCRIPTION POE::Component::SpreadClient is a POE component for talking to Spread servers. This module should only be used with Spread 3.17.4 ( or compatible versions ) XXX Beware: this module hasn't been tested with Spread 4! XXX METHODS spawn POE::Component::Spread->spawn( 'spread' ); - The alias the component will take ( default: "SpreadClient" ) Returns the session ID. Public API connect $poe_kernel->post( spread => connect => '4444@localhost' ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => connect => '4444@localhost', 'logger' ); - The Server location - The private name for the Spread connection ( default: "spread-PID" ) Connect this POE session to the Spread server on port 4444 on localhost. Will send a C<_sp_error> event if unable to connect; C<_sp_connect> if successful disconnect $poe_kernel->post( spread => disconnect ); Forces this session to disconnect. ( DOES NOT REMOVE ALIAS => look at destroy below ) Will send a C<_sp_disconnect> event if disconnected; C<_sp_error> if failure subscribe $poe_kernel->post( spread => subscribe => 'chatroom' ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => subscribe => [ 'chatroom', 'testing' ] ); - The group name(s) Subscribe to a Spread messaging group. Messages will be sent to C<_sp_message> and join/leave/etc to C<_sp_admin> in the registered listeners. Automatically adds the session to the registered listeners. Will send a C<_sp_error> if unable to subscribe; C<_sp_admin> with join message if successful unsubscribe $poe_kernel->post( spread => unsubscribe => 'chatroom' ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => unsubscribe => [ 'foobar', 'chatroom' ] ); Unsubscribes to a Spread messaging group. Does not remove the session from the listener list. Will send a C<_sp_error> if unable to unsubscribe; C<_sp_admin> with self_leave if successful publish $poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'A/S/L?' ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => [ 'chatroom', 'stats' ], 'A/S/L?' ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'special', 5 ); $poe_kernel->post( spread => publish => 'chatroom', 'A/S/L?', undef, RELIABLE_MESS & SELF_DISCARD ); - The group name(s) - 2nd parameter ( int ) is the Spread mess_type -> application-defined ( default: 0 ) - The 3rd parameter is the spread message type -> import them from ( default: SAFE_MESS ) Send a string to the group(s). THIS WILL ONLY SEND STRINGS! If you need to send perl structures, use your own serializer/deserializer! REMEMBER about the message size limitation From spread-src-3.17.3 #define MAX_MESSAGE_BODY_LEN (MAX_SCATTER_ELEMENTS * (MAX_PACKET_SIZE - 32)) /* 32 is sizeof(packet_header) */ #define MAX_SCATTER_ELEMENTS 100 #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1472 /*1472 = 1536-64 (of udp)*/ Therefore max message size is 100 * 1440 =~ 140kB Will send a C<_sp_error> if unable to publish register $poe_kernel->post( spread => register ); Registers the current session as a "registered listener" and will receive all events. unregister $poe_kernel->post( spread => unregister ); Removes the current session from the "registered listeners" list. destroy $poe_kernel->post( spread => destroy ); Destroys the session by removing it's alias and disconnecting if needed with C<_sp_disconnect> EVENTS "_sp_connect" sub _sp_connect : State { my( $priv_name, $priv_group ) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ]; # We're connected! } "_sp_disconnect" sub _sp_disconnect : State { my $priv_name = $_[ ARG0 ]; # We're disconnected! } "_sp_error" sub _sp_error : State { my( $priv_name, $type, $sperrno, $msg, $data ) = @_[ ARG0 .. ARG4 ]; # Handle different kinds of errors if ( $type eq 'CONNECT' ) { # $sperrno = Spread errno/error string, $msg = server name, $data = priv name } elsif ( $type eq 'PUBLISH' ) { # $sperrno = Spread errno, $msg = $groups ( may be undef ), $data = $message ( may be undef ) } elsif ( $type eq 'SUBSCRIBE' ) { # $sperrno = Spread errno, $msg = $groups ( may be undef ) } elsif ( $type eq 'UNSUBSCRIBE' ) { # $sperrno = Spread errno, $msg = $groups ( may be undef ) } elsif ( $type eq 'RECEIVE' ) { # $sperrno = error string } } "_sp_message" sub _sp_message : State { my( $priv_name, $sender, $groups, $mess_type, $message ) = @_[ ARG0 .. ARG4 ]; # $mess_type is always 0 unless defined ( mess_type in Spread ) } "_sp_admin" sub _sp_admin : State { my( $priv_name, $data ) = @_[ ARG0, ARG1 ]; # $data is hashref with several fields: # TYPE => string ( JOIN | LEAVE | DISCONNECT | SELF_LEAVE | TRANSITIONAL | NETWORK ) # GROUP => string ( group name ) # GID => [ GID1, GID2, GID3 ] ( look at Spread documentation about this! ) # MEMBERS => arrayref of member names # WHO => string ( whomever left/join/discon ) # INDEX => index of self in group list # MESSAGE => raw unpacked message ( needed for NETWORK's special parsing, not done! ) # if TYPE = JOIN | LEAVE | DISCONNECT # GROUP, MEMBERS, WHO, GID, INDEX # if TYPE = SELF_LEAVE # GROUP # if TYPE = TRANSITIONAL # GROUP # if TYPE = NETWORK # GROUP, MEMBERS, GID, INDEX, MESSAGE } SpreadClient Notes You can enable debugging mode by doing this: sub POE::Component::SpreadClient::DEBUG () { 1 } use POE::Component::SpreadClient; SEE ALSO Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module. * Spread * <> SUPPORT Perldoc You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc POE::Component::SpreadClient Websites The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always, in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources. * Search CPAN <> * RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker < > * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * CPAN Forum <> * CPANTS Kwalitee <> * CPAN Testers Results <> * CPAN Testers Matrix <> Email You can email the author of this module at "APOCAL at" asking for help with any problems you have. Internet Relay Chat You can get live help by using IRC ( Internet Relay Chat ). If you don't know what IRC is, please read this excellent guide: <>. Please be courteous and patient when talking to us, as we might be busy or sleeping! You can join those networks/channels and get help: * You can connect to the server at '' and join this channel: #perl-help then talk to this person for help: Apocalypse. * You can connect to the server at '' and join this channel: #perl then talk to this person for help: Apocal. * You can connect to the server at '' and join this channel: #perl then talk to this person for help: Ap0cal. Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to "bug-poe-component-spreadclient at", or through the web interface at < nt>. You will be automatically notified of any progress on the request by the system. Source Code The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull from your repository :) <> git clone git:// AUTHOR Apocalypse <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The base for this module was lifted from POE::Component::Spread by Rob Partington <>. Thanks goes to Rob Bloodgood ( RDB ) for making sure this module still works! This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread see <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Apocalypse. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this distribution.