This is DMAKE version 4.1 compiled for Win32 using Borland C 5.02.

For information on how to use DMAKE, see DMAKE.TXT.

DMAKE needs a set of startup files that are located in a subdirectory
called `startup' where DMAKE.EXE lives.  So, to install it, just
copy DMAKE.EXE and the startup subdirectory to some location on
your path.

You can change the default platform in the startup\ file
(the defaults are set up for Borland C++, v5.x).  If you change the
defaults, you'll need to make sure the subdirectories you name in
startup\ are populated with setup files (you can use the
current hierarchy as a model).

The default startup configuration can also be overridden by setting
`OSRELEASE' and `OSENVIRONMENT' in your environment (see the notes under
`readme').  Note that the startup files don't read the `OS' environment
variable, despite what the notes in the `readme' directory say.  In
other words, you can only set `OS' from the startup\ file.

You can get the sources for dmake 4.1(patchlevel 1) from  The file dmake-4.1pl1-win32.patch contains
notes on the changes I had to make to get it to build.


Gurusamy Sarathy