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Log::Dispatch::Gelf - Log::Dispatch plugin for Graylog's GELF format.


    use Log::Dispatch;

    my $sender = ... # e.g. RabbitMQ queue.
    my $log = Log::Dispatch->new(
        outputs => [ 
            #some custom sender
                min_level         => 'debug',
                additional_fields => { facility => __FILE__ },
                send_sub          => sub { $sender->send($_[0]) },
            #or send to graylog via TCP/UDP socket
                min_level         => 'debug',
                additional_fields => { facility => __FILE__ },
                socket            => {
                    host     => 'graylog.server',
                    port     => 21234,
                    protocol => 'tcp',
    $log->info('It works');

        level             => 'info',
        message           => "It works\nMore details.",
        additional_fields => { test => 1 }


Log::Dispatch::Gelf is a Log::Dispatch plugin which formats the log message
according to Graylog's GELF Format version 1.1. It supports sending via a
socket (TCP or UDP) or a user provided sender.


The constructor takes the following parameters in addition to the standard
parameters documented in [Log::Dispatch::Output](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Dispatch::Output):

- additional\_fields

    optional hashref of additional fields of the gelf message (no need to prefix
    them with \_, the prefixing is done automatically).

- chunked

    optional scalar. An integer specifying the chunk size or the special
    string values 'lan' or 'wan' corresponging to 8154 or 1420 respectively.

    Chunking is only applicable to UDP connections.

- compress

    optional scalar. If a true value the message will be gzipped with

- send\_sub

    mandatory sub for sending the message to graylog. It is triggered after the
    gelf message is generated.

- socket

    optional hashref create tcp or udp (default behavior) socket and set
    `send_sub` to sending via socket


## $log->log( level => $, message => $, additional\_fields => \\% )

In addition to the corresponding method in [Log::Dispatch::Output](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Dispatch::Output) this
subclassed method takes an optional hashref of additional\_fields for the
gelf message. As in the corresponding parameter on the constructor there is
no need to prefix them with an \_. If the same key appears in both the
constructor's and method's additional\_fields then the method's value will
take precedence overriding the constructor's value for the current call.

The subclassed log method is still called with all parameters passed on.


Copyright (C) Avast Software.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Miroslav Tynovsky <tynovsky@avast.com>