App::combinesheets - command-line tool merging CSV and TSV spreadsheets

    version 0.2.14

       combinesheets -h
       combinesheets -help
       combinesheets -man
       combinesheets -version

       combinesheets -config <config-file> -inputs <input-files> [<options>] [-outfile <output-file>]

          where <input-files> has the form: <input-ID>=<filename> [<input-ID>=<filename>...]
          where <options> are: -check

    combinesheets is a command-line tool merging together two or more
    spreadsheets. The spreadsheets can be COMMA-separated or TAB-separated
    files, each of them having the first line with column headers. Data in
    one of the column (it can be a different column in each input
    spreadsheet) serve to match lines. For example, having two spreadsheets,
    PERSON and CAR, with the following contents:


       Surname      First name  Sex  Age  Nickname
       Novak        Jan         M    52   Honza
       Gudernova    Jitka       F    56
       Senger       Martin      M    61   Tulak


       Model  Year  Owned by
       Praga  1936  Someone else
       Mini   1968  Gudernova
       Skoda  2002  Senger

    we want to merge these spreadsheet by "Surname" in persons.tsv and by
    "Owned by" in cars.tsv. There are two possible results, depending which
    spreadsheet is used as the first one (a primary one). If the persons.tsv
    is the first, the result will be (which columns are included in the
    result will be described later in this document):

       combinesheets -cfg config.cfg -in PERSON=persons.tsv CAR=cars.csv

       First name  Surname    Model  Sex  Nickname  Age  Year  Owned by
       Jitka       Gudernova  Mini   F              56   1968  Gudernova
       Jan         Novak             M    Honza     52
       Martin      Senger     Skoda  M    Tulak     61   2002  Senger

    Or, if the cars.tsv is the first, the result will be:

       combinesheets -cfg config.cfg -in CAR=cars.csv PERSON=persons.tsv

       First name  Surname    Model  Sex  Nickname  Age  Year  Owned by
       Jitka       Gudernova  Mini   F              56   1968  Gudernova
       Martin      Senger     Skoda  M    Tulak     61   2002  Senger
                              Praga                      1936  Someone else

    Of course, if both input spreadsheets have only the matching lines, both
    results will be the same (it will not matter which one of them is
    considered the primary one).

    The rows in the resulting spreadsheet are sorted by values in the column
    that was used as a matching column in the primary input.

    The information which columns should be used to match the input
    spreadsheets and which columns should appear in the resulting
    spreadsheet is read from a configuration file (see the "-config" - or
    "-cfg" - argument).

    The command-line arguments and options can be specified with single or
    double dash. Most of them can be abbreviated to the nearest non-biased
    length. They are case-sensitive.

  Duplicated values in the matching columns
    If there are repeated (the same) values in the column that serves as
    matching criterion then the resulting spreadsheet will have as many
    output lines (for a particular matching value) as is the number of all
    combinations of the lines with that matching values in all input
    spreadsheets. For example, let's have "books.tsv" and "authors.tsv",
    assuming that a book can have more authors and any author can contribute
    to any number of books:

       Title   Note    Author
       Book 1  from B1-a       Kim
       Book 2  from B2-b       Kim
       Book 3  from B3-c       Katrin
       Book 1  from B1-d       Blanka
       Book 2  from B2-e       Katrin

       Age     Name
       28      Kim
       20      Katrin
       30      Blanka
       50      Lazy author

    The output (again, depending on which input is considered a primary
    input) will be (a list of included column is defined in the
    configuration file - see later):

       combinesheets -cfg books_to_authors.cfg -in BOOK=books.tsv AUTHOR=authors.tsv

       Name    Title   Age Note
       Blanka  Book 1  30  from B1-d
       Katrin  Book 3  20  from B3-c
       Katrin  Book 2  20  from B2-e
       Kim     Book 1  28  from B1-a
       Kim     Book 2  28  from B2-b

       combinesheets -cfg books_to_authors.cfg -in AUTHOR=authors.tsv BOOK=books.tsv

       Name        Title   Age  Note
       Blanka      Book 1  30   from B1-d
       Katrin      Book 3  20   from B3-c
       Katrin      Book 2  20   from B2-e
       Kim         Book 1  28   from B1-a
       Kim         Book 2  28   from B2-b
       Lazy author         50

    Additionally to the merging columns from one or more spreadsheets, this
    script can also add completely new columns to the resulting spreadsheet,
    the columns that do not exist in any of the input spreadsheet. Such
    columns are called "calculated columns".

    Each "calculated column" is created either by an external, command-line
    driven, program, or by a Perl subroutine. In both cases, the user must
    create (write) such external program or such Perl subroutine. Therefore,
    this usage is meant more for developers than for the end users.

    Note that this advanced feature is meant only for new columns, not for
    new rows. Therefore, it cannot be used, for example, to create rows with
    totals of columns.

  Calculated columns by external programs
    If specified, an external program is invoked for each row. It can be
    specified either by a keyword PROG or by a keyword PROGS - see syntax in
    the *configuration* section. In both cases, the value of the standard
    output of these programs become the value of the calculated column (a
    trailing newline of this standard output is removed and other newlines
    are replaced by spaces).

    A program defined by the PROGS is called without any arguments ("S" in
    *PROGS* stands for a *Simple*). That's why it does not have any
    knowledge for which row it has been invoked. Its usage is, therefore,
    for column values that are not dependent on other values from the
    spreadsheet. For example, for the "cars.tsv" shown above, you can add a
    column "Last updated" by calling a UNIX program "date" - again, see an
    example the *configuration* section.

    A program defined by the PROG is called with one argument which is a
    filename. This file contains the current row; each of its lines has two,
    TAB-separated, fields. The first field is the column name and the second
    field is the column value. For example, when processing the last row of
    the "cars.tsv" given above, the file will have the following content:

       Model       Skoda
       Year        2002
       Owned by    Senger

    The files are only temporary and will be removed when "combinesheets"

  Calculated columns by a Perl subroutine
    If specified by the keyword PERL, a Perl subroutine is called for each
    row with the three arguments:

    1   A hashref with information about the current column. Not often used
        but may be handy if the same subroutine deals with more columns and,
        therefore, needs to know for which column it was invoked. See the
        *flights* example in the *configuration* section.

    2   An arrayref with all column names.

    3   An arrayref with all column values - in the same order as the column

    Actually, depending how the subroutine is defined in the configuration,
    it may get as the first argument the module/class name where it belongs
    to. If you define it like this:

       PERL   Module::Example::test

    the "test" subroutine is called, indeed, with the three arguments as
    described above. However, if your definition is rather:

       PERL   Module::Example->test

    then the "test" subroutine is considered a Perl method and its first
    argument is the module/class name. It is up to you to decide how you
    want/need to write your functions. Again, an example is available in the
    *configuration* section.

    The return value of the subroutine will become a new value in the
    calculated column. Do not return undef but rather an empty string if the
    value cannot be created.

    What is an advantage of writing my own module/package if I can simply
    write an external program (perhaps also in Perl) doing exactly the same?
    The Perl module stays in the memory for the whole time of processing all
    input rows and, therefore, you can re-use some calculations done for the
    previous rows. An example about it ("flights") is given in the
    *configuration* section.

    -config <config-file>
        A filename with a configuration file. This is a mandatory parameter.
        The configuration file describes:

        *   which columns in individual input spreadsheets should be
            included in the resulting spreadsheet,

        *   what names should be given to the resulting columns

        *   in which order should be the columns in the resulting

        *   which columns should be used to match individual lines,

        The configuration file is a TAB-separated file (with no header
        line). Empty lines and lines starting with a "#" character are
        ignored. Each line has two columns, in some cases there is an
        optional third column. Here is a configuration file used in the
        example above:

           # Columns to match records from individual inputs
           MATCH   PERSON=Surname
           MATCH   CAR=Owned by
           MATCH   CHILD=Parent

           # Columns - how they be in rows
           PERSON  First name
           PERSON  Surname
           CAR     Model
           PERSON  Sex
           CHILD   Name
           CHILD   Born
           PERSON  Nickname
           PERSON  Age
           CAR     Year
           CAR     Owned by

        The first column is either a reserved word "MATCH", or an identifier
        of an input spreadsheet. There are also few other reserved words -
        see more about them a bit later.

        The identifier can be almost anything (and it does not appear in the
        input spreadsheet itself). It is also used in the command-line
        argument "-inputs" where it corresponds to a real file name of the
        input. The lines with identifiers define what columns will be in the
        result: the second column is the header of the wanted columns and an
        optional third column (not used in the example above) is the header
        used in the result. The resulting columns will be in the same order
        as are these lines in the configuration file.

        The reserved word "MATCH" is used to define how to match lines in
        the input spreadsheets. The format of its second column is:


        There should be one MATCH line for each input spreadsheet. The data
        in the column defined by the "column-header" will be used to find
        the corresponding lines. In our example, the data in the column
        *Surname* in the "persons.tsv" will be matched with the data in the
        column *Owned by* in the "cars.tsv" (the rows having the same values
        in these two columns will be merged into one resulting row).

        Advanced configuration

        If you want to add so-called *calculated columns* as described in
        the "ADVANCED USAGE" you need to use few additional reserved words
        in the configuration file. These words are PROG, PROGS and/or PERL.
        They are used in the place where the new calculated column should be
        placed. Their lines have the program name or the Perl subroutine
        name in the second column, and they have mandatory third column with
        the resulting name of the calculated column.

        For example, we wish to add two columns to the input spreadsheet
        "cars.tsv". The input file (the same as in the introduction) is:

           Model  Year  Owned by
           Praga  1936  Someone else
           Mini   1968  Gudernova
           Skoda  2002  Senger

        We wish to add a column *Car age* that shows the difference between
        the actual year and the value from the *Year* column. We have a
        shell script "" doing it:

           YEAR=`grep Year $1 | cut -f2`
           NOW=`date +%Y`
           echo $(($NOW-$YEAR))

        The configuration file "cars.cfg" (assuming that we want the other
        columns to remain the same) is:

           MATCH   CAR=Owned by

           CAR     Owned by
           CAR     Model
           CAR     Year
           PROG  Car age

        When we run:

           combinesheets -config cars.cfg -inputs CAR=cars.tsv

        we get this result:

           Owned by        Model   Year    Car age
           Gudernova       Mini    1968    44
           Senger          Skoda   2002    10
           Someone else    Praga   1936    76

        You can see that there is no need to use "combinesheets" for really
        combining *more* sheets, an input can be just one sheet.

        Another example adds a *fixed* column to the same input, a column
        named *Last updated* that gets its value from a UNIX command "date".
        This program does not get any information which row it has been
        invoked for. The configuration file is now (note the new line with
        the PROGS):

           MATCH   CAR=Owned by

           CAR     Owned by
           CAR     Model
           CAR     Year
           PROG  Car age
           PROGS   date    Last updated

        and the result is now:

           Owned by        Model   Year    Car age   Last updated
           Gudernova       Mini    1968    44        Mon Feb 27 12:32:04 AST 2012
           Senger          Skoda   2002    10        Mon Feb 27 12:32:04 AST 2012
           Someone else    Praga   1936    76        Mon Feb 27 12:32:04 AST 2012

        The last possibility is to call a Perl subroutine - using the
        reserved word PERL in the configuration file. Let's have an input
        spreadsheet ("flights.tsv") with data about flights:

           Date         Flight    Airport From      Airport To
           2009-01-18   AY838     London LHR        Helsinki Vantaa
           2009-01-22   AY839     Helsinki Vantaa   London LHR
           2009-03-15   NW2       Manila            Tokyo Narita
           2009-03-21   NW1       Tokyo Narita      Manila
           2011-05-06   SV326     Sharm El Sheik    Jeddah
           2011-07-31   RJ700     Amman             Jeddah
           2011-09-21   ME369     Jeddah            Beirut
           2011-09-24   ME368     Beirut            Jeddah
           2011-12-02   EZY3064   Prague            London Stansted
           2011-12-09   EZY3067   London Stansted   Prague
           2012-01-26   MS663     Cairo             Jeddah

        We want to add columns with the international airport codes for both
        *Airport From* and *Airport To*. The new columns will be named *Code
        From* and *Code To*. The Perl subroutine will use a web service to
        find the code. The subroutine will use a closure that will remember
        already fetched codes so the web service does not need to be called
        several times for the same airport name.

        The configuration file "flights.cfg" is:

           MATCH   FLY=Date

           FLY     Date
           FLY     Flight
           FLY     Airport From
           PERL    Airport->find_code      Code From
           FLY     Airport To
           PERL    Airport->find_code      Code To

        The name of the subroutine is attached to the module where it comes
        from by either :: or -> notation.

        The invocation is:

           combinesheets -config flights.cfg -inputs FLY=flights.tsv

        The full code for the module "Airport", the file "" is

           package Airport;
           use warnings;
           use strict;

           use LWP::Simple;
           use JSON;

           # preparing a closure in order not to fetch the same airport code again and again
           my $already_found = make_already_found();
           sub make_already_found {
              my $already_found = {};
              return sub {
                 my ($airport_name, $airport_code) = @_;
                 if (exists $already_found->{$airport_name}) {
                    if ($airport_code) {
                        $already_found->{$airport_name} = $airport_code;
                    return $already_found->{$airport_name};
                 } else {
                    $already_found->{$airport_name} = ($airport_code ? $airport_code : 1);
                    return 0;

           sub find_code {
              my ($class, $column, $header_line, $data_line) = @_;

              my $column_with_airport_name = $column->{ocol};
              $column_with_airport_name =~ s{Code}{Airport};

              my $airport_name;
              for (my $i = 0; $i < @$header_line; $i++) {
                 if ($header_line->[$i] eq $column_with_airport_name) {
                    $airport_name = $data_line->[$i];
              return '' unless $airport_name;

              # now we have an airport name...
              my $airport_code = $already_found->($airport_name);
              return $airport_code if $airport_code;

              #... go and find its airport code
              $airport_code = '';
              my $escaped_airport_name = $airport_name;
              $escaped_airport_name =~ tr{ }{+};
              my $url = "$escaped_airport_name&fmt=json";
              my $content = get ($url);
              warn "Cannot get a response for '$url'\n"
                 unless defined $content;
              my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
              my $data = $json->decode ($content);
              foreach my $code (@$data) {
                 $airport_code .= $code->{code} . ",";
              chop ($airport_code) if $airport_code;  # removing the trailing comma

              $already_found->($airport_name, $airport_code);
              return $airport_code;

        When run it creates the following output. Note that some airports
        have more than one code because the name was ambiguous. Well, this
        is just an example, isn't it?

           Date         Flight    Airport From      Code From   Airport To       Code To
           2009-01-18   AY838     London LHR        LHR         Helsinki Vantaa  HEL
           2009-01-22   AY839     Helsinki Vantaa   HEL         London LHR       LHR
           2009-03-15   NW2       Manila            MXA,MNL     Tokyo Narita     NRT
           2009-03-21   NW1       Tokyo Narita      NRT         Manila           MXA,MNL
           2011-05-06   SV326     Sharm El Sheik    SSH         Jeddah           JED
           2011-07-31   RJ700     Amman             ADJ,AMM     Jeddah           JED
           2011-09-21   ME369     Jeddah            JED         Beirut           BEY
           2011-09-24   ME368     Beirut            BEY         Jeddah           JED
           2011-12-02   EZY3064   Prague            PRG         London Stansted  STN
           2011-12-09   EZY3067   London Stansted   STN         Prague           PRG
           2012-01-26   MS663     Cairo             CAI,CIR     Jeddah           JED

    -inputs <input_ID=<filename> [<input_ID>=<filename>...]>
        Each "-inputs" can have one or more file names, and there can be one
        or more "-inputs" arguments. It defines what are the input
        spreadsheets and how they are identified in the configuration file
        (see the "-config" argument). For example, the inputs for our
        example above can be specified in any of these ways:

           -inputs PERSON=persons.tsv -inputs CAR=cars.tsv
           -inputs PERSON=persons.tsv CAR=cars.tsv
           -inputs PERSON=persons.tsv,CAR=cars.tsv

        The first file name is considered to be the "primary" input (see the
        description above): the resulting spreadsheet will have the same
        number of lines as the primary input.

        The file names ending with the ".csv" are considered to be in the
        COMMA-separated formats, all others are considered to be

        This is a mandatory parameter.

    -outfile <output-file>
        An optional parameter specifying a filename of the combined result.
        By default, it is created on STDOUT. It is always in the
        TAB-separated format.

        This option causes that the configuration file and the input files
        (only their header lines will be read) will be checked for errors
        but no resulting spreadsheet will be created.

        Not yet implemented.

    General options

        -h      Print a brief usage message and exits.

        -help   Print a brief usage message with options and exit.

        -man    Print a full usage message and exit.

                Print the version and exit.

    It contains a path that is used when looking for external programs (when
    the reserved words PROG or PROGS are used). For example, the "examples"
    directory in the source distribution of this package has an external
    program "". The full invocation can be done by:

       COMBINE_SHEETS_EXT_PATH=examples bin/combinesheets -cfg examples/cars.cfg --inputs CAR=examples/cars.csv

    In order to run this tool you need Perl and the following Perl modules
    to be installed:


    Optionally (if your configuration file uses the reserved word PROG or
    PROGS for calculated columns):


    *   Columns are identified by their header names. There is no way to
        identify them simply by their order (column number).

    *   The input spreadsheet are read first into memory. Which may be a
        problem with really huge spreadsheets.

    *   The inputs can be COMMA-separated or TAB-separated. It would be
        perhaps nice to allow also the Excel spreadsheets.

    *   Comparing header names and rows is case-sensitive only. There is a
        plan to implement the option "-ignorecases",

    Some of these missing features may be implemented later.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc App::combinesheets

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Martin Senger <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Martin Senger, CBRC - KAUST
    (Computational Biology Research Center - King Abdullah University of
    Science and Technology) All Rights Reserved..

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.