Text::HyperScript - Let's write html/xml templates as perl code!
use feature qw(say);
use Text::HyperScript qw(h true);
# tag only
say h('hr'); # => '
say h(script => q{}); # => ''
# tag with content
say h('p', 'hi,'); # => '
say h('p', ['hi,']); # => '
say h('p', 'hi', h('b', ['anonymous'])); # => '
say h('p', 'foo', ['bar'], 'baz'); # => '
# tag with attributes
say h('hr', { id => 'foo' }); # => ''
say h('hr', { id => 'foo', class => 'bar'}); # => ''
say h('hr', { class => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); # => ''
# tag with prefixed attributes
say h('hr', { data => { foo => 'bar' } }); # => ''
say h('hr', { data => { foo => [qw(foo bar baz)] } }); # => ''
# tag with value-less attribute
say h('script', { crossorigin => true }, ""); #
This module is a html/xml tags generator like as hyperscript-ish style.
- All html/xml tags write as perl code!
We're able to write html/xml templates witout raw markup.
- Generates automatic escaped html/xml tags
This module generates automatic escaped html/xml tags by default.
Like this:
use feature qw(say);
say h('p', 'hello, ')
# =>
hello, <scrip>alert("XSS!")</script>
- Includes shorthand for multiple class name and prefixed attributes
This module has shorthand multiple class name, and data or aria and others prefixed attributes.
For examples:
use feature qw(say);
say h('h1', { class => [qw/ C B A /] }, 'msg');
# =>
say h('button', { data => { click => '1' } }, 'label');
# =>
say h('a', { href => '#', aria => {label => 'label' } }, 'link');
# => link
- Enable to generate empty and empty content tags
This module supports empty element and empty content tags.
Like that:
use feature qw(say);
say h('hr'); # empty tag
# =>
say h('script', '') # empty content tag
# =>
This modules includes shorthand modules for writes tag name as subroutine.
Currently Supported:
HTML5: [Text::HyperScript::HTML5](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AHyperScript%3A%3AHTML5)
## text
This function generates html/xml escaped text.
## raw
This function generates raw text **without html/xml escape**.
This function **should be used for display trusted text content**.
## true / false (constants)
This constants use for value-less attributes.
For examples, if we'd like to use `crossorigin` attriute on `script` tag,
we're able to use these contants like this:
use feature qw(say);
say h('scirpt', { crossorigin => true }, '')
# =>
`false` constants exists for override value-less attributes.
If set `false` to value-less attribute, that attribute ignored.
## h
This function makes html/xml text from perl code.
The first argument is tag name, and after argument could be passed these values as repeatable.
The all element attributes sorted by ascendant.
This behaviour is intentional for same result of reproducible output.
- $text : Str
The text string uses as a element content.
For example:
use feature qw(say);
say h('p', 'hi,') # <- 'hi,' is a plain text string
# =>
- \\%attributes : HashRef\[Str | ArrayRef\[Str\] | HashRef\[Str\] \]
The element attributes could be defined by these styles:
- \\%attributes contains Str
In this case, Str value uses for single value of attribute.
use feature qw(say);
say h('p', { id => 'msg' }, 'hi,')
# =>
- \\%attributes contains ArrayRef\[Str\]
If attribute is ArrayRef\[Str\], these Str values joined by whitespace and sorted ascendant.
use feature qw(say);
say h('p', { class => [qw/ foo bar baz /] }, 'hi,')
# =>
- HashRef\[Str\]
If attribute is HashRef\[Str\], this code means shorthand for prefixed attribute.
use feature qw(say);
say h('p', { data => { label => 'foo' } }, 'hi,')
# =>
- \\@nested : ArrayRef
The all ArrayRef passed to `h` function is flatten by internally.
This ArrayRef supported all content type of `h` function.
Copyright (C) OKAMURA Naoki a.k.a nyarla.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
OKAMURA Naoki a.k.a nyarla: