THIS VERSION BREAKS BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY It is very similar and should require only minor changes, but it is not a drop-in upgrade. parseXML is now parseRSS Okay, apparently a few people actually use this, so I should probably release a new version. I've actually had this done for almost a year now but I wanted to write a real test suite for it, maybe next time. Instead, all I can say is I've been *using* it for the last year without a problem. Please provide me with a copy of any document wish it chokes on when making a bug report. ============================================================================= XML::RSSLite is a meant as a relaxed parser+,* and lightweight+,++ replacement for XML::RSS. In fact, it contains a generic lightweight XML pseudo-parser** that can be used for other content. For RSS/RDF/weblog/Scripting News content parseRSS does the following: o Remove html tags to leave plain text o Remove characters other than 0-9~!@#$%^&*()-+=a-zA-Z[];',.:"<>?\s o Use <url> tags when <link> is empty o Use misplaced urls in <title> when <link> is empty o Exract links from <a href=...> if required o Limit links to ftp and http o Join relative urls to the site base If you can make a convincing argument against any of these behaviors they may be relaxed. Otherwise, you might use parseXML. + Under certain circumstances; not valid during leap years, full moons, high tides, vernal equinoxes, or Wednesdays. YMMV. * We hope, the new parser may be too strict, please provide samples of content which you believe should parse but does not. ++ The new found "correctness" comes at a performance cost, it is slower than prior versions, but still faster than XML::RSS. ** Not fully compliant with the W3C specifications.