Consul::Simple - Easy access to Consul (

        my $c = Consul::Simple->new();
        $c->KVPut('foo/bar', 'something');
        my @recs = $c->KVGet('foo/bar');
        #@recs = [
        #      {
        #        'Value' => 'one',
        #        'LockIndex' => 0,
        #        'CreateIndex' => 4,
        #        'Flags' => 0,
        #        'ModifyIndex' => 4,
        #        'Key' => 'foo/bar'
        #      }
        #    ];

        $c->KVPut('foo/fuz', { something => 'rich' });
        my @recs = $c->KVGet('foo/bar', recurse => 1);
        #@recs = [
        #      {
        #        'Value' => 'one',
        #        'LockIndex' => 0,
        #        'CreateIndex' => 4,
        #        'Flags' => 0,
        #        'ModifyIndex' => 4,
        #        'Key' => 'foo/bar'
        #      },
        #      {
        #        'Value' => {
        #                     'something' => 'rich'
        #                   },
        #        'LockIndex' => 0,
        #        'CreateIndex' => 5,
        #        'Flags' => 0,
        #        'ModifyIndex' => 5,
        #        'Key' => 'foo/fuz'
        #      }
        #    ];

    Simple interface to Consul (

    Your basic constructor. It does not take any external action, so it can
    not fail.

    kvPrefix (optional)
        Adds this prefix to all key/value operations, essentially giving you
        a 'namespace' inside of Consul, for the life of this object.
        Defaults to '/'.

    proto (optional)
        Defaults to 'http'.

    consul_server (optional)
        Defaults to 'localhost'.

    ssl_opts (optional)
        Defaults to nothing. Passed into LWP::UserAgent. For instance, if
        you need to do https operations against a bogus cert: ssl_opts => {
        SSL_verify_mode => 'SSL_VERIFY_NONE' }

    retries (optional)
        Defaults to 5. The number of times to retry a given operation before
        giving up.

    timeout (optional)
        Defaults to 2 seconds. How long to wait for a given operation to

    consul_port (optional)
        Defaults to 8500. Where the consul http API is listening.

  KVPut($key, $value, %options)
    This calls the Consul HTTP PUT method to set a value in the key/value

    key (required)
        This is the key, optionally prefixed by kvPrefix in the constructor.
        No encoding is done; this is passed to Consul as is.

    value (required)
        This is the value to be PUT with the associated key. If it is a
        simple scalar, it is passed to Consul as is. If it is a reference of
        any kind, it is JSON encoded before being sent to Consul.

  KVGet($key, %options)
    This calls the Consul HTTP GET method to read a set of records from the
    key/value store. It returns an array of records returned by the API, if
    any. The data that was previous PUT is found in the Value field of each

    key (required)
        This is the key, optionally prefixed by kvPrefix in the constructor.
        No encoding is done; this is passed to Consul as is.

    recurse (optional)
        Causes the ?recurse flag to be sent along, which will cause Consul
        to return all of the records 'below' the passed key.

  KVDelete($key, %options)
    This calls the Consul HTTP DELETE method to delete a value or set of
    values from the key/value store.

    key (required)
        This is the key, optionally prefixed by kvPrefix in the constructor.
        No encoding is done; this is passed to Consul as is.

    recurse (optional) ##unimplemented
        Causes the ?recurse flag to be sent along, which will cause Consul
        to delete all of the records 'below' the passed key.


    Actually and correctly test the DELETE functionality.

    Implement recurse DELETE.

    Add the tons of other Consul features for the KV API.

    Add the rest of the non-KV Consul features.

    None known.

    Copyright (c) 2014 Dana M. Diederich. All Rights Reserved.

    Dana M. Diederich <>